▸ Country Manager at Canadian Company,
Asuncion, Paraguay
▸ Licenciatura en Ciencias (Lic. en Geología, Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales – FACEN) Especialización en Recursos Minerales y Medio Ambiente (BGR – Hannover)
▸ Profesor de Petrología de Rocas Metamórficas – FACEN
▸ General Manager & President of Paraguayan the Mining Companies; Consultora AYA E.A.S. & Minera LUCCA S.A .
▸ Works Areas: Provision of technical & sdministrative services for metallic an non metallic mining projects. Specialities; prospecti, exploration and exploitation of minerals.
- Spanish
- English
- Portuguese
- Eonomics
- Geochemistry
- Mineral resources
- Mining
- Resource Management
- Structural Geology
- Field Geologist
- Field Coordinatator
- Field Chief and Technical Manager and General Manager of several national and international mining companies
- Mineral Resources – Exploration and Exploitation
- Provision of technical & sdministrative services for metallic an non metallic mining projects.