GOAL PARAGUAY 2020 – Ciclo de Conferencias Geología y Recursos Hídricos

La Red de Geo científicos GOAL-DAAD, Regional Paraguay y la Asociación de Geólogos del Paraguay organizaron

Ciclo de Conferencias Geología y Recursos Hídricos

 Fechas:29 y 30/04/2020, a partir de las 13:00 Hora paraguaya.


Objetivo: Contribuir a la difusión de trabajos científicos realizados en el área de las geociencias y de los recursos hídricos de Paraguay y México, a fin de promover el conocimiento.

 Dinámica de las conferencias

En cada conferencia participaron dos profesionales, quienes tuvieron 25 minutos para su exposición y 15 minutos para la sesión preguntas y respuestas.

 Temas abordados:

 “Capitán Bado, un estudio hidrogeológico emblemático” (Paraguay)  – Conferencista Dr. Feliz Villar

“Reporte de ocurrencia de aguas termales en el Alto Paraguay” (Paraguay) Conferencista Prof. Magister Darío R. Gómez Duarte

 “Máxima deriva del borde noroccidental de Gondwana, contada con la historia geológica del basamento de la Sierra Madre Oriental en el Noreste de México”  – Dr. Juan Alonso Ramírez F. (México)

 “Infraestructura verde, una opción viable en la gestión de escorrentías e inundaciones urbanas” –  Dr. René Alberto Dávila Pórcel de Bolivia y M.C. Roger Abraham Abanto Bazán de Perú


Dr. René Alberto Dávila Pórcel

M.C. Roger Abraham Abanto Bazán



V Symposium of Responsible Intervention in the Environment
I GOAL Brasil
“Challenge of Geosciences in the Management of Anthropogenic Space”
29 de September to05 de October
Instituto de Geociencias – UFMG
Belo Horizonte – MG – Brasil

Available CONGRESS ANNALS GOAL BRASIL 2018: Livro_Anais_GOAL Brasil 2018

Opening table

GOAL Brasil members at national events held in BH






Fieldwork – Bento Rodrigues/ Mariana – Minas Gerais

Fieldwork – Bento Rodrigues/ Mariana – Minas Gerais





General Program



 Application form



DEADLINE (Abstracts and Expanded Abstracts ): 31/Agosto/2018

Notification of Acceptance: 10/Septiembre/2018

Possibility of Publication of the complete work in the newspaper Geochimica Brasiliensis – Special Section of the Event

Abstract Submission Guidelines  

Information and contact: @

Internal meeting GOAL – Paraguay

Technical talk on geosciences in Paraguay

On October 31, 2017, a “Technical talk on geosciences”, organized by the Faculty of Geology and the GOAL (in the auditorium of the Faculty of Exact and Natural Sciences of the National University of Asunción) was held. GeO Network of Latinamerican-German ALumni), chapter Paraguay.

Five professionals, all of them GOALists, have presented the following topics:

  • Economic Impact of Gold Mining in the District of Paso Yobai Department of Guairá, by Lic. Geol. Juan Carlos Benítez
  • Proposal for a geoenvironmental solution to the contamination of Lake Ypacaraí, by Msc. Geol. Celso Velazquez.
  • Mba’éichapa? Peteí ñeporandu porá – How? A good question – Wie? Eine Gute frage, by Msc. Ing. Agr. Nestor Molinas
  • Virtual water as a management tool, by Civil Engineer María del Carmen Álvarez
  • Water Councils, a proposal for the management of water resources, by Lic. Geol. Carmen Rojas

The technical talk on geosciences is a way for GOALists in Paraguay to reach professionals, teachers, and students of FACEN in order to share their work experiences and knowledge.




2017 – 8°. German-Brasilian Symposium on Sustainable Development 2017

October 2–7, 2017 • Porto Alegre, Brazil

“Facing human impacts: the challenges for society and for science”

Simposio-Brasil-Alemanha Logo

Since 2003, the Brazil-Germany Symposium of Sustainable Development has been taking place in both countries alternately every other year. The first Symposium was held in Tübingen, Germany. The purpose of the Symposium is to present and discuss the differences and similarities regarding the sustainable development of two societies related to their cultural identity with the resources of the earth and its processes. The 2017 edition will be hosted at the Pontifical Catholic University of Rio Grande do Sul, in Porto Alegre, RS, Brazil. The theme of this edition will be “Facing human impacts: the challenges for society and for science”.  In this event, the scientific exchange between colleagues from Brazil and Germany in the field of technological innovation and sustainability is opportune. The focus is mainly on issues related to energy, water, soil, climate, biodiversity, agriculture and forestry, politics, economics, resource management and future cities.

More Information:
Flyer (Pdf 5.9 MB)
Pontifíca Universidade Católica do Rio Grande do Sul
Eberhard Karls Universität Tübingen (in German)

2017 – Kleines Alumni Seminar 2017 – 2017: KAS-DAAD

May 3–4, 2017 • Monterrey, Mexico

“Water sustainability and its importance in public health”

Poster of Kleine Alumni Seminar 2017 reflects information below

The first edition of the Kleines Alumni Seminars (KAS) on “Water sustainability and its importance in public health” is aimed at strengthening the important presence of the DAAD in Monterrey and aims to extend the activities of experts trained in Germany and special guests. The availability of quality water and its effects on human public health are priority areas for sustainable development at the global level, so it is necessary to strengthen multidisciplinary work teams that address this issue.

The objective of this 2-day seminar is to connect experts from the scientific community working with water resources management and health. It is supported by the German Academic Exchange Service.

Venue: Ing. Manuel Martibnez Carranza Auditorium at the Civil Engineering School, Universidad Autónoma de Nuevo León, Monterrey, Mexico
Time: 9:00-18:00 Hours, Free entry, Limited availability.
Contact to register: @

More Information
PROGRAM 2017 (in English, Pdf 3 MB)
Año Dual Alemania-México 2016-2017
Civil Engineering School, Universidad Autónoma de Nuevo León, Monterrey, Mexico

See our official video of the KAS – DAAD “Water sustainability and its importance in public health” Conferences at FIC-UANL and supported by DAAD, SADM, INEGI, CICNL and SAGA

Official Video KAS – DAAD 2017, FIC – UANL